machine learning(10) -- classification:logistic regression cost function 和 使用 gradient descent to minimize cost function


logistic regression cost function(single example)


logistic regression cost function(m examples)

Writting cost function in a more convenient form with just one line

To fit parameter θ

Using gradient descent to minimize cost function

看上去和gradient descent for linear regression是一样的,但是其实只是形式一至,hθ(x)不一样,如上图所示,蓝色的hθ(x)为linear regression的,红色的为logistic         regression

machine learning(10) -- classification:logistic regression cost function 和 使用 gradient descent to minimize cost function的相关教程结束。

《machine learning(10) -- classification:logistic regression cost function 和 使用 gradient descent to minimize cost function.doc》
