

ubuntu 安装ccache

  1. sudo apt-get install ccache
  2. 安装完后确认安装执行which ccache
$ which ccache

3.在 ~/.bashrc 或者 ~/.zshrc文件内追加以下内容

# ccache
export use_ccache=1
export ccache_sloppiness=file_macro,include_file_mtime,time_macros
export ccache_umask=002

source /.bashrc或者/.zshrc
4. ccache默认设置的5g磁盘空间,正常来说够用,如果担心不够可以改大一些,
ccache -m 30g
5. 通过版本确认安装成功

$ ccache --version
ccache version 3.4.1
copyright (c) 2002-2007 andrew tridgell
copyright (c) 2009-2018 joel rosdahl

6.可以通过ccache -s查看当前配置

cache directory                     /home/username/.ccache
primary config                      /home/username/.ccache/ccache.conf
secondary config      (readonly)    /etc/ccache.conf
stats zero time                     fri jul 22 16:15:40 2022
cache hit (direct)                  4186
cache hit (preprocessed)             875
cache miss                          1069
cache hit rate                      82.56 %
called for link                      653
cleanups performed                     0
files in cache                      3209
cache size                          159.3 mb
max cache size                      30.0 gb


1.通过github下载 libzmq的源码

$ git clone  https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq.git
cloning into 'libzmq'...
remote: enumerating objects: 43791, done.
remote: counting objects: 100% (36/36), done.
remote: compressing objects: 100% (28/28), done.
remote: total 43791 (delta 11), reused 24 (delta 8), pack-reused 43755
receiving objects: 100% (43791/43791), 21.91 mib | 1.03 mib/s, done.
resolving deltas: 100% (31951/31951), done.

2.在 libzmq目录内建立 build目录

3.修改cmakelists.txt, '+'后面的代表新增

       │ file: cmakelists.txt
   1   │ # cmake build script for zeromq
   2   │ project(zeromq)
   3   │ 
   4   │ if(${cmake_system_name} strequal darwin)
   5   │   cmake_minimum_required(version 3.0.2)
   6   │ else()
   7   │   cmake_minimum_required(version 2.8.12)
   8   │ endif()
   9   │ 
  10 + │ find_program(ccache_found ccache)
  11 + │ if(ccache_found)
  12 + │     set_property(global property rule_launch_compile ccache)
  13 + │     set_property(global property rule_launch_link ccache)
  14 + │     message(status "use ccache")
  15 + │ endif(ccache_found)
  16 + │ 
  17   │ include(checkincludefiles)

4.在build目录执行cmake ..
打印显示 -- use ccache 表示启用ccache,但需要注意的事,每个项目在第一次启用ccache时,不会加快编译速度,而是把编译缓存保存到 /home/username/.ccache目录,供以后编译使用

$ cmake ..
-- the c compiler identification is gnu 7.5.0
-- the cxx compiler identification is gnu 7.5.0
-- check for working c compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- check for working c compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- detecting c compiler abi info
-- detecting c compiler abi info - done
-- detecting c compile features
-- detecting c compile features - done
-- check for working cxx compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- check for working cxx compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- detecting cxx compiler abi info
-- detecting cxx compiler abi info - done
-- detecting cxx compile features
-- detecting cxx compile features - done
-- use ccache
-- looking for pthread.h
-- looking for pthread.h - found
-- looking for pthread_create
-- looking for pthread_create - not found
-- looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- found threads: true 

5.使用 /usr/bin/time命令来记录编译耗费的时间

/usr/bin/time make -j3
48.79user 14.25system 0:21.60elapsed 291%cpu (0avgtext+0avgdata 176036maxresident)k
0inputs+282248outputs (0major+2406923minor)pagefaults 0swaps

6.rm -rf * 删除build目录内的所有文件

7.重新 cmake ..

8.使用 /usr/bin/time命令来记录编译耗费的时间

/usr/bin/time make -j3
2.78user 2.42system 0:02.15elapsed 241%cpu (0avgtext+0avgdata 23736maxresident)k
0inputs+21744outputs (0major+232849minor)pagefaults 0swaps


