Day 4--robot api with yaml: Use your python scripts as robot keywords




Write yourself keywords


Prepare keywords files

Modify yaml

Modify python scripts

Add function to foreach python file by given path

Change the code for creating test keywords into functions


Whole python scripts


Write yourself keywords

This article is about using python scripts as robot keywords.

  • Task one: import one python file
  • Task two: import path which contain python files


  • create one file which contain keywords
  • copy file to new files and put into one path
  • modify yaml

Prepare keywords files

Modify yaml

Modify python scripts

  • add function to foreach python file by given path
  • change the code for creating test keywords into functions

Add function to foreach python file by given path

Change the code for creating test keywords into functions


If config assertions into yaml file will be better
If config assertions into yaml file will be better
If config assertions into yaml file will be better
Activate Variable                                                             
Should Activate Skynet                                                | PASS |
Test self keyword                                                     | FAIL |
1 != 2
Test one keyword by path                                              | FAIL |
1 != 2
Test other keywords by path                                           | FAIL |
1 != 2
Activate Variable                                                     | FAIL |
4 critical tests, 1 passed, 3 failed
4 tests total, 1 passed, 3 failed
Output:  C:\make-your-robot-rest-api\day4\src\reports\skynet-output.xml
[Finished in 0.7s]

Whole python scripts


  • robot api with yaml
  • Useful links
  • Suite import library


《Day 4--robot api with yaml: Use your python scripts as robot keywords.doc》
