[源码解析] PyTorch 分布式(2) --- 数据加载之DataLoader


[源码解析] PyTorch 分布式(2) --- 数据加载之DataLoader

[源码解析] PyTorch 分布式(2) --- 数据加载之DataLoader
0x00 摘要
0x01 前情回顾
0x02 DataLoader
2.1 初始化
2.2 关键函数
2.3 单进程加载
2.3.1 区分生成
2.3.2 迭代器基类
2.3.3 单进程迭代器
2.3.4 获取样本
2.4 多进程加载
2.4.1 总体逻辑
2.4.2 初始化
2.4.3 业务重置
2.4.4 获取 index
2.4.5 worker主函数
2.4.6 Pin memory thread
2.4.7 用户获取data
2.4.8 小结
2.5 Pipleline
0xFF 参考

0x00 摘要



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[源码解析] 机器学习参数服务器 Paracel (2)--------SSP控制协议实现

[源码解析] PyTorch 分布式(1) --- 数据加载之DistributedSampler

0x01 前情回顾

关于数据加载,上回书我们说到了 DistributedSampler,本文接下来就进行 DataLoader的分析。


+--------+ | |
| | | Process 1 |
| Data 1 +--------> | +------+
| | | Load Data | |
+--------+ | | |
+------------+ |
+------------+ | +-----------------------------------+
+--------+ | | | | |
| | | Process 2 | +------> | Pin-memory process |
| Data 2 +--------> | | | |
| | | Load Data +-------------> | |
+--------+ | | | Transfer to Pinned Memory |
+------------+ +-----> | |
| | |
| +-----------------------------------+
+--------+ +------------+ |
| | | | |
| Data 3 +--------> | Process 3 +-------+
| | | |
+--------+ | Load Data |
| |


    DataSet 把数据集数目发给DistributedSampler。
    Sampler 按照某种规则生成数据indices并发送给DataLoader。
    DataLoader 依据indices来从DataSet之中加载数据(其内部的DataLoaderIter对象负责协调单进程/多进程加载Dataset)。
    DataLoader 把数据发给模型,进行训练。
+------------------------+                     +-----------+
|DistributedSampler | |DataLoader |
| | 2 indices | |
| Some strategy +-------------------> | |
| | | |
|-------------+----------| | |
^ | | 4 data +-------+
| | -------------->+ train |
1 | length | | +-------+
| | |
+-------------+----------+ | |
|DataSet | | |
| +---------+ | 3 Load | |
| | Data +-------------------------> | |
| +---------+ | | |
| | | |
+------------------------+ +-----------+

接下来,我们就正式进入 DataLoader。

0x02 DataLoader



DataSet 是原始数据,Sampler 提供了如何切分数据的策略(或者说是提供了切分数据的维度),DataLoader就是依据策略来具体打工干活的,其中单进程加载就是一个人干活,多进程加载就是多拉几个人一起干活

2.1 初始化


dataset (Dataset) :所加载的数据集。
batch_size (int, optional) :每个批次加载多少个样本。
shuffle (bool, optional) :如果为 True,则每个epoch 都会再打乱数据。
sampler (Sampler or Iterable, optional) :定义了如何从样本采样的策略。可以是任何实现了 __len__的迭代器。
batch_sampler (Sampler or Iterable, optional) :与sampler类似,但是每次返回一个批次的数据索引。
num_workers (int, optional) :数据加载的子进程数目。如果是 0,表示从主进程加载数据。
collate_fn (callable, optional):从一个小批次( mini-batch)张量中合并出一个样本列表。当从 map-style 数据集做批量加载时候使用。
pin_memory (bool, optional) : 如果为true,则在返回张量之前把张量拷贝到CUDA固定内存之中。
drop_last (bool, optional) :当数据集不能被均匀分割时,如果为true,丢掉最后一个不完整的批次。如果为False,那么最后一个批次的数据较小。
timeout (numeric, optional): 如果是整数,则是worker收集批次数据的超时值。
worker_init_fn (callable, optional):如果非空,则会在seeding和数据加载之前被每个子进程调用,以Iworker id ([0, num_workers - 1])作为输入参数。
generator (torch.Generator, optional):如果非空,则被RandomSampler 用来产生随机索引,也被多进程用来产生 base_seed
prefetch_factor (int, optional, keyword-only arg):每个 worker 提前加载 的 sample 数量。
persistent_workers (bool, optional):如果为 True, 则在消费一次之后,data loader也 不会关掉worker进程。这允许workerDataset实例维持活动状态。


class DataLoader(Generic[T_co]):

    dataset: Dataset[T_co]
batch_size: Optional[int]
num_workers: int
pin_memory: bool
drop_last: bool
timeout: float
sampler: Sampler
prefetch_factor: int
_iterator : Optional['_BaseDataLoaderIter']
__initialized = False def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset[T_co], batch_size: Optional[int] = 1,
shuffle: bool = False, sampler: Optional[Sampler[int]] = None,
batch_sampler: Optional[Sampler[Sequence[int]]] = None,
num_workers: int = 0, collate_fn: Optional[_collate_fn_t] = None,
pin_memory: bool = False, drop_last: bool = False,
timeout: float = 0, worker_init_fn: Optional[_worker_init_fn_t] = None,
multiprocessing_context=None, generator=None,
*, prefetch_factor: int = 2,
persistent_workers: bool = False):
torch._C._log_api_usage_once("python.data_loader") self.dataset = dataset
self.num_workers = num_workers
self.prefetch_factor = prefetch_factor
self.pin_memory = pin_memory
self.timeout = timeout
self.worker_init_fn = worker_init_fn
self.multiprocessing_context = multiprocessing_context if isinstance(dataset, IterableDataset):
self._dataset_kind = _DatasetKind.Iterable
# 省略异常处理
self._dataset_kind = _DatasetKind.Map if batch_sampler is not None:
# auto_collation with custom batch_sampler
# 省略异常处理
batch_size = None
drop_last = False
elif batch_size is None:
# no auto_collation
if drop_last:
raise ValueError('batch_size=None option disables auto-batching '
'and is mutually exclusive with drop_last') if sampler is None: # give default samplers
if self._dataset_kind == _DatasetKind.Iterable:
# See NOTE [ Custom Samplers and IterableDataset ]
sampler = _InfiniteConstantSampler()
else: # map-style
if shuffle:
sampler = RandomSampler(dataset, generator=generator)
sampler = SequentialSampler(dataset) if batch_size is not None and batch_sampler is None:
# auto_collation without custom batch_sampler
batch_sampler = BatchSampler(sampler, batch_size, drop_last) self.batch_size = batch_size
self.drop_last = drop_last
self.sampler = sampler
self.batch_sampler = batch_sampler
self.generator = generator if collate_fn is None:
if self._auto_collation:
collate_fn = _utils.collate.default_collate
collate_fn = _utils.collate.default_convert self.collate_fn = collate_fn
self.persistent_workers = persistent_workers
self.__initialized = True
self._IterableDataset_len_called = None
self._iterator = None

2.2 关键函数


def _index_sampler(self):
# The actual sampler used for generating indices for `_DatasetFetcher`
# (see _utils/fetch.py) to read data at each time. This would be
# `.batch_sampler` if in auto-collation mode, and `.sampler` otherwise.
# We can't change `.sampler` and `.batch_sampler` attributes for BC
# reasons.
if self._auto_collation:
return self.batch_sampler
return self.sampler

2.3 单进程加载

单进程模式下,Data Loader会在计算进程内加载数据,所以加载过程中可能会阻塞计算。

for 语句会调用enumerate 会返回一个迭代器,以此来遍历数据集。在eumerate之中,dataloader 的 __next__(self) 方法会被调用,逐一获取下一个对象,从而遍历数据集。

    cuda0 = torch.device('cuda:0')  # CUDA GPU 0
for i, x in enumerate(train_loader):
x = x.to(cuda0)

2.3.1 区分生成



    def __iter__(self) -> '_BaseDataLoaderIter':
if self.persistent_workers and self.num_workers > 0: # 如果是多进程或者设置了持久化
if self._iterator is None: # 如果没有,才会新生成
self._iterator = self._get_iterator()
return self._iterator
else: # 单进程
return self._get_iterator() # 每次都直接生成新的


    def _get_iterator(self) -> '_BaseDataLoaderIter':
if self.num_workers == 0:
return _SingleProcessDataLoaderIter(self)
return _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter(self)

2.3.2 迭代器基类

_BaseDataLoaderIter 是迭代器基类,我们挑选关键函数看看。


_index_sampler:这里设置了loader 的 sampler,所以迭代器可以据此获取采样策略。
_sampler_iter:得到 sampler 的迭代器。

class _BaseDataLoaderIter(object):
def __init__(self, loader: DataLoader) -> None:
# 初始化参数
self._dataset = loader.dataset
self._dataset_kind = loader._dataset_kind
self._IterableDataset_len_called = loader._IterableDataset_len_called
self._auto_collation = loader._auto_collation
self._drop_last = loader.drop_last
self._index_sampler = loader._index_sampler # 得到采样策略
self._num_workers = loader.num_workers
self._prefetch_factor = loader.prefetch_factor
self._pin_memory = loader.pin_memory and torch.cuda.is_available()
self._timeout = loader.timeout
self._collate_fn = loader.collate_fn
self._sampler_iter = iter(self._index_sampler) # 得到sampler的迭代器
self._base_seed = torch.empty((), dtype=torch.int64).random_(generator=loader.generator).item()
self._persistent_workers = loader.persistent_workers
self._num_yielded = 0
self._profile_name = "enumerate(DataLoader)#{}.__next__".format(self.__class__.__name__) def __next__(self) -> Any:
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function(self._profile_name):
if self._sampler_iter is None:
data = self._next_data() # 获取数据
self._num_yielded += 1
if self._dataset_kind == _DatasetKind.Iterable and \
self._IterableDataset_len_called is not None and \
self._num_yielded > self._IterableDataset_len_called:
# 忽略错误提示处理
return data

2.3.3 单进程迭代器

_SingleProcessDataLoaderIter 继承了 _BaseDataLoaderIter,可以看到,其增加了 _dataset_fetcher,在构造时候传入了 _collate_fn 等各种参数。

回忆下,__next__会调用 self._next_data() 获取数据,而在这里,_next_data 就会:

使用 self._next_index(),其又会使用 _sampler_iter(采样器的迭代器)来获取indices 。
使用 self._dataset_fetcher.fetch(index)来依据indices获取数据。

class _SingleProcessDataLoaderIter(_BaseDataLoaderIter):
def __init__(self, loader):
super(_SingleProcessDataLoaderIter, self).__init__(loader)
assert self._timeout == 0
assert self._num_workers == 0 # 获取样本方法
self._dataset_fetcher = _DatasetKind.create_fetcher(
self._dataset_kind, self._dataset, self._auto_collation, self._collate_fn, self._drop_last) def _next_data(self):
index = self._next_index() # may raise StopIteration
# 获取样本
data = self._dataset_fetcher.fetch(index) # may raise StopIteration
if self._pin_memory:
data = _utils.pin_memory.pin_memory(data)
return data def _next_index(self): # 得到indices
return next(self._sampler_iter) # may raise StopIteration

2.3.4 获取样本

我们接下来看看如何获取样本。就是通过索引传入 fetcher,从而获取想要的样本。


class _DatasetKind(object):
Map = 0
Iterable = 1 @staticmethod
def create_fetcher(kind, dataset, auto_collation, collate_fn, drop_last):
if kind == _DatasetKind.Map:
return _utils.fetch._MapDatasetFetcher(dataset, auto_collation, collate_fn, drop_last)
return _utils.fetch._IterableDatasetFetcher(dataset, auto_collation, collate_fn, drop_last)

对于Map-style,就使用 _MapDatasetFetcher 处理,就是使用 possibly_batched_index 从数据集之中提取数据,possibly_batched_index 是key。

如果有batch sampler,就使用 batch sampler。

如果需要从一个小批次( mini-batch)张量中合并出一个样本列表。就使用 collate_fn后处理。

class _MapDatasetFetcher(_BaseDatasetFetcher):
def __init__(self, dataset, auto_collation, collate_fn, drop_last):
super(_MapDatasetFetcher, self).__init__(dataset, auto_collation, collate_fn, drop_last) def fetch(self, possibly_batched_index):
if self.auto_collation:
# 如果配置了batch_sampler,_auto_collation就为True,
# 那么就优先使用batch_sampler,此时fetcher中传入的就是一个batch的索引
data = [self.dataset[idx] for idx in possibly_batched_index]
data = self.dataset[possibly_batched_index]
return self.collate_fn(data)

对于 Iterable-style,因为 __init__ 方法内设置了 dataset 初始的迭代器,所以在fetch 方法内获取元素的时候,如果是常规 sampler,index 其实已经不起作用,直接从dataset迭代器获取。如果是batch sampler,则index有效果。

class _IterableDatasetFetcher(_BaseDatasetFetcher):
def __init__(self, dataset, auto_collation, collate_fn, drop_last):
super(_IterableDatasetFetcher, self).__init__(dataset, auto_collation, collate_fn, drop_last)
self.dataset_iter = iter(dataset) def fetch(self, possibly_batched_index):
if self.auto_collation:
# 即auto_collation为True,表示使用batch_sampler。
# 则使用possibly_batched_index,获取1个batch大小的样本
data = []
for _ in possibly_batched_index:
except StopIteration:
if len(data) == 0 or (self.drop_last and len(data) < len(possibly_batched_index)):
raise StopIteration
# sampler则直接往后遍历,提取1个样本
data = next(self.dataset_iter)
return self.collate_fn(data)


     +--------------------------+            +-------------------------------+
| DataLoader | | _SingleProcessDataLoaderIter |
| | | |
| | | __next__ |
+---------------+ Sampler | | |
| | | | _next_data +-----------+
| | Dataset | | | |
| | | | _next_index | |
| | __iter__ | | | |
| | | | _index_sampler | |
| | _get_iterator +--------------> | + | |
| | | | | | |
| +--------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| +----------------------------+ | |
| |Sampler | | |
+------------------------> | | <------+ |
| | |
| | |
| | |
+----------------------------+ |
+----------------------------+ |
|_BaseDatasetFetcher | |
| | |
| | |
| dataset | |
| | <----------------------+
| collate_fn |
| |


  User              DataLoader    _SingleProcessDataLoaderIter _DatasetKind   Sampler

    +                   +                    +                        +           +
| | | | |
| 1 | | | |
enumerate--------> __iter__ | | |
| + | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | 2 v 3 v |
| _get_iterator--------> __init__ +----------> create_fetcher |
| 4 | + + |
| <-----------------+ | | |
| iterator | | | |
| | 5 | | |
for loop +------------------------------> __next__ | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | _next_data | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | 6 next | |
| | _next_index +-------------------------> |
| | | | |
| | | <---------------------------------+
| | | 7 index | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | 8 fetch(index) | |
| | | +--------------------> | |
| | | | |
| | | <---------------------+ |
| | | 9 data | |
| <-------------------------------------+ | |
| 10 data | | | |
| | | | |
v v v v v

2.4 多进程加载

为了加速,PyTorch提供了多进程下载,只要把将参数 num_workers 设置为正整数,系统就会相应生成多进程处理,在这种模式下,每个worker都是一个独立进程。

由上节我们可以知道,_SingleProcessDataLoaderIter 是单进程加载数据的核心,loader通过它来与sampler,dataset交互。在多进程中,这个核心对应的就是 _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter。

    def _get_iterator(self) -> '_BaseDataLoaderIter':
if self.num_workers == 0:
return _SingleProcessDataLoaderIter(self)
return _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter(self)

我们接下来就从 _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter 开始分析。

2.4.1 总体逻辑

_MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter 中的注释十分详尽,值得大家深读,而且给出了逻辑流程图如下,其基本流程是围绕着三个queue进行的:

主进程把需要获取的数据 index 放入index_queue,这是指定子进程需要获取哪些数据的队列。同时也给子进程传入结果队列,关于结果队列,有两个分支:

如果设置了pin memory,则传入的是 worker_result_queue。
否则传入 data_queue。
子进程从 index_queue 之中读取 index,进行数据读取,然后把读取数据的index放入worker_result_queue,这是向主进程返回结果的队列
如果设置了pin memory,则主进程的 pin_memory_thread 会从 worker_result_queue 读取数据index,依据这个index进行读取数据,进行处理,把结果放入 data_queue,这是处理结果的队列
如果不需要pin memory,则结果已经存在 data_queue 之中,不做新操作。

可以看到,每个进程的输入是一个队列index_queue ,输出也是一个队列worker_result_queue。主进程和子进程通过这2~3个 queue 联系了起来,从而达到解耦合和加速的作用

    # NOTE [ Data Loader Multiprocessing Shutdown Logic ]
# Preliminary:
# Our data model looks like this (queues are indicated with curly brackets):
# main process ||
# | ||
# {index_queue} ||
# | ||
# worker processes || DATA
# | ||
# {worker_result_queue} || FLOW
# | ||
# pin_memory_thread of main process || DIRECTION
# | ||
# {data_queue} ||
# | ||
# data output \/
# P.S. `worker_result_queue` and `pin_memory_thread` part may be omitted if
# `pin_memory=False`.

具体如下图所示,如果不需要 pin memory,则为:

indices -------------+ indices | Worker | Data
+--------->+index queue +-------->+ Process +------+
| | | | | |
| -------------+ +-----------+ |
| | +------------+
| | | |
+---------+ | +---> |
| Main | | indices -------------+ indices +-----------+ | |
| Process +------------>+index queue +-------->+ Worker | Data | Data Queue |
| | | | | | Process +----------> |
+---------+ | -------------+ | | | |
| +-----------+ +---> |
| | +------------+
| |
| indices -------------+ indices +-----------+ |
+--------->+index queue +-------->+ Worker | Data |
| | | Process +------+
-------------+ | |

当有pin memory时候,则是先进入 result queue,然后 pin_memory_thread 处理之后会转入到 data queue:

indices -------------+ indices | Worker | Data
+--------->+index queue +-------->+ Process +------+
| | | | | |
| -------------+ +-----------+ |
| | --------------+
| | | |
+---------+ | +---> |
| Main | | indices -------------+ indices +-----------+ | |
| Process +------------>+index queue +-------->+ Worker | Data | result_queue|
| | | | | | Process +----------> |
+---------+ | -------------+ | | | |
| +-----------+ +---> |
| | ---------+----+
| | |
| indices -------------+ indices +-----------+ | |
+--------->+index queue +-------->+ Worker | Data | +---------+--------+
| | | Process +------+ | pin_memory_thread|
-------------+ | | | | |
+-----------+ | | |
| | |
| Data Queue |
| |

2.4.2 初始化




_index_queues: 这是一个queue 列表,列表的每一个元素是一个 queue,就是每个子进程的队列需要处理的数据index,每个子进程对应一个 queue。
_worker_result_queue: 子进程处理完的 (idx, data)。
data_queue: 经过主进程 pin_memory 线程处理之后的数据队列,如果不需要pin,则直接会使用 _worker_result_queue
_worker_queue_idx_cycle 用以找出下一个工作的worker。


class _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter(_BaseDataLoaderIter):
r"""Iterates once over the DataLoader's dataset, as specified by the sampler""" def __init__(self, loader):
super(_MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter, self).__init__(loader) assert self._num_workers > 0
assert self._prefetch_factor > 0 if loader.multiprocessing_context is None:
multiprocessing_context = multiprocessing
multiprocessing_context = loader.multiprocessing_context self._worker_init_fn = loader.worker_init_fn
self._worker_queue_idx_cycle = itertools.cycle(range(self._num_workers))
# No certainty which module multiprocessing_context is
self._worker_result_queue = multiprocessing_context.Queue() # 子进程输出,读取完数据的index
self._worker_pids_set = False
self._shutdown = False
self._workers_done_event = multiprocessing_context.Event() self._index_queues = [] # 子进程输入,需读取数据的index
self._workers = []
for i in range(self._num_workers):
# No certainty which module multiprocessing_context is
index_queue = multiprocessing_context.Queue() # type: ignore[var-annotated]
# Need to `cancel_join_thread` here!
# See sections (2) and (3b) above.
w = multiprocessing_context.Process(
target=_utils.worker._worker_loop, # worker进程主函数,把各种queue和函数传进去
args=(self._dataset_kind, self._dataset, index_queue,
self._worker_result_queue, self._workers_done_event,
self._auto_collation, self._collate_fn, self._drop_last,
self._base_seed, self._worker_init_fn, i, self._num_workers,
w.daemon = True
self._index_queues.append(index_queue) # 把这个worker对应的index_queue放到主进程这里存起来,以后就可以交互了
self._workers.append(w) if self._pin_memory:
self._pin_memory_thread_done_event = threading.Event() # Queue is not type-annotated
self._data_queue = queue.Queue() # pin 处理之后的数据结果
pin_memory_thread = threading.Thread(
args=(self._worker_result_queue, self._data_queue,
pin_memory_thread.daemon = True
# Similar to workers (see comment above), we only register
# pin_memory_thread once it is started.
self._pin_memory_thread = pin_memory_thread
self._data_queue = self._worker_result_queue # 如果不需要pin,则直接使用_worker_result_queue # .pid can be None only before process is spawned (not the case, so ignore)
_utils.signal_handling._set_worker_pids(id(self), tuple(w.pid for w in self._workers)) # type: ignore[misc]
self._worker_pids_set = True self._reset(loader, first_iter=True) # 继续完善业务

2.4.3 业务重置

__init__ 函数最后会调用 _reset 函数,这是进一步完善业务初始化,也用来重置环境。


_MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter有如下 flag 参数来协调各个 worker (包括各种queue)之间的工作:

_send_idx: 发送索引,用来记录这次要放 index_queue 中 batch 的 idx

_rcvd_idx: 接受索引,记录要从 data_queue 中取出的 batch 的 idx

_task_info: 存储将要产生的 data 信息的 dict,key为 task idx(由 0 开始的整型索引),value 为 (worker_id,)(worker_id, data),分别对应数据 未取 和 已取 的情况

_tasks_outstanding: 整型,代表已经准备好的 task/batch 的数量(可能有些正在准备中)

_send_idx: 发送索引,记录下一次要放 index_queue 中 task batch 的 idx。

_rcvd_idx: 接受索引,记录下一次要从 data_queue 中取出的 task batch 的 idx。_send_idx_rcvd_idx 主要用来进行流量控制和确保接受索引有意义。

_task_info: 存储将要产生的 data 信息的 dict,key为 task batch idx(由 0 开始的整型索引),value 为 (worker_id,)(worker_id, data),分别对应数据 未取 和 已取 的情况。_task_info的作用是依据 task batch idx 获取对应的 worker id 和暂存乱序数据。

_tasks_outstanding: 整型,正在准备的 task/batch 的数量,实际上就是进行一些确认工作,没有太实际的意义。

对于加载数据,每个 worker 一次产生一个 batch 的数据,返回 batch 数据前,会放入下一个批次要处理的数据下标,所以 reset 函数会把 _send_idx_rcvd_idx 都恢复成0,这样下次迭代就可以重新处理。

在 reset 方法最后,有一个预取数据操作。我们会在后面结合乱序处理进行讲解

    def _reset(self, loader, first_iter=False):
super()._reset(loader, first_iter)
self._send_idx = 0 # idx of the next task to be sent to workers
self._rcvd_idx = 0 # idx of the next task to be returned in __next__
# information about data not yet yielded, i.e., tasks w/ indices in range [rcvd_idx, send_idx).
# map: task idx => - (worker_id,) if data isn't fetched (outstanding)
# \ (worker_id, data) if data is already fetched (out-of-order)
self._task_info = {}
self._tasks_outstanding = 0 # always equal to count(v for v in task_info.values() if len(v) == 1)
# A list of booleans representing whether each worker still has work to
# do, i.e., not having exhausted its iterable dataset object. It always
# contains all `True`s if not using an iterable-style dataset
# (i.e., if kind != Iterable).
# Not that this indicates that a worker still has work to do *for this epoch*.
# It does not mean that a worker is dead. In case of `_persistent_workers`,
# the worker will be reset to available in the next epoch.
# 每个worker的状态
self._workers_status = [True for i in range(self._num_workers)]
# We resume the prefetching in case it was enabled
if not first_iter:
for idx in range(self._num_workers):
resume_iteration_cnt = self._num_workers
while resume_iteration_cnt > 0:
return_idx, return_data = self._get_data()
if isinstance(return_idx, _utils.worker._ResumeIteration):
assert return_data is None
resume_iteration_cnt -= 1
# prime the prefetch loop # 预取若干index,目的是为了配合后续的乱序处理。
for _ in range(self._prefetch_factor * self._num_workers):

2.4.4 获取 index

_try_put_index 函数就是使用sampler获取下一批次的数据index。这里 _prefetch_factor 缺省值是 2,主要逻辑如下。

通过 _worker_queue_idx_cycle 找出下一个可用的工作worker,然后把index分给它。

    def _next_index(self): # 定义在基类 _BaseDataLoaderIter 之中,就是获取下一批index
return next(self._sampler_iter) # may raise StopIteration def _try_put_index(self): assert self._tasks_outstanding < self._prefetch_factor * self._num_workers try:
index = self._next_index() # 获取下一批index
except StopIteration:
for _ in range(self._num_workers): # find the next active worker, if any
worker_queue_idx = next(self._worker_queue_idx_cycle)
if self._workers_status[worker_queue_idx]: # 如果已经工作,就继续找
# not found (i.e., didn't break)
return # 以下是主进程进行相关记录
# 给下一个工作worker放入 (任务index, 数据index), 就是给queue放入数据,所以worker loop之中就立刻会从queue中得到index,从而开始获取数据。
self._index_queues[worker_queue_idx].put((self._send_idx, index))
# 记录 将要产生的 data 信息
self._task_info[self._send_idx] = (worker_queue_idx,)
# 正在处理的batch个数+1
self._tasks_outstanding += 1
# send_idx 记录从sample_iter中发送索引到index_queue的次数
self._send_idx += 1 # 递增下一批发送的task index

2.4.5 worker主函数

_worker_loop 是 worker进程的主函数,主要逻辑如其注释所示:

    # [ worker processes ]
# While loader process is alive:
# Get from `index_queue`.
# If get anything else,
# Check `workers_done_event`.
# If set, continue to next iteration
# i.e., keep getting until see the `None`, then exit.
# Otherwise, process data:
# If is fetching from an `IterableDataset` and the iterator
# is exhausted, send an `_IterableDatasetStopIteration`
# object to signal iteration end. The main process, upon
# receiving such an object, will send `None` to this
# worker and not use the corresponding `index_queue`
# anymore.
# If timed out,
# No matter `workers_done_event` is set (still need to see `None`)
# or not, must continue to next iteration.
# (outside loop)
# If `workers_done_event` is set, (this can be False with `IterableDataset`)
# `data_queue.cancel_join_thread()`. (Everything is ending here:
# main process won't read from it;
# other workers will also call
# `cancel_join_thread`.)

就是通过index_queue, data_queue与主进程交互。

从 index_queue 获取新的数据index;
如果没有设置本worker结束,就使用 fetcher获取数据
然后把数据放入data_queue,并且通知主进程,这里需要注意,data_queue是传入的参数,如果设置了pin memory,则传入的是 worker_result_queue, 否则传入 data_queue

def _worker_loop(dataset_kind, dataset, index_queue, data_queue, done_event,
auto_collation, collate_fn, drop_last, base_seed, init_fn, worker_id,
num_workers, persistent_workers):
# See NOTE [ Data Loader Multiprocessing Shutdown Logic ] for details on the
# logic of this function. try:
# Initialize C side signal handlers for SIGBUS and SIGSEGV. Python signal
# module's handlers are executed after Python returns from C low-level
# handlers, likely when the same fatal signal had already happened
# again.
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/signal.html#execution-of-python-signal-handlers
signal_handling._set_worker_signal_handlers() torch.set_num_threads(1)
seed = base_seed + worker_id
np_seed = _generate_state(base_seed, worker_id)
import numpy as np
np.random.seed(np_seed) global _worker_info
_worker_info = WorkerInfo(id=worker_id, num_workers=num_workers,
seed=seed, dataset=dataset) from torch.utils.data import _DatasetKind init_exception = None try:
if init_fn is not None:
init_fn(worker_id) fetcher = _DatasetKind.create_fetcher(dataset_kind, dataset, auto_collation, collate_fn, drop_last)
except Exception:
init_exception = ExceptionWrapper(
where="in DataLoader worker process {}".format(worker_id)) iteration_end = False
watchdog = ManagerWatchdog() while watchdog.is_alive(): # 等待在这里
# _try_put_index 如果放入了数据index,这里就被激活,开始工作
r = index_queue.get(timeout=MP_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL)
except queue.Empty:
if isinstance(r, _ResumeIteration):
# Acknowledge the main process
data_queue.put((r, None))
iteration_end = False
# Recreate the fetcher for worker-reuse policy
fetcher = _DatasetKind.create_fetcher(
dataset_kind, dataset, auto_collation, collate_fn, drop_last)
elif r is None:
# Received the final signal
assert done_event.is_set() or iteration_end
elif done_event.is_set() or iteration_end:
# `done_event` is set. But I haven't received the final signal
# (None) yet. I will keep continuing until get it, and skip the
# processing steps.
idx, index = r
data: Union[_IterableDatasetStopIteration, ExceptionWrapper]
if init_exception is not None:
data = init_exception
init_exception = None
data = fetcher.fetch(index)
except Exception as e:
# 省略处理代码 data_queue.put((idx, data)) # 放入数据,通知主进程
del data, idx, index, r # save memory
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Main process will raise KeyboardInterrupt anyways.
if done_event.is_set():

2.4.6 Pin memory thread

在主进程之中,如果设置了需要pin memory,主进程的 pin_memory_thread 会从 worker_result_queue 读取数据,进行处理(加速CPU和GPU的数据拷贝),把结果放入 data_queue。

    # [ pin_memory_thread ]
# # No need to check main thread. If this thread is alive, the main loader
# # thread must be alive, because this thread is set as daemonic.
# While `pin_memory_thread_done_event` is not set:
# Get from `index_queue`.
# If timed out, continue to get in the next iteration.
# Otherwise, process data.
# While `pin_memory_thread_done_event` is not set:
# Put processed data to `data_queue` (a `queue.Queue` with blocking put)
# If timed out, continue to put in the next iteration.
# Otherwise, break, i.e., continuing to the out loop.
# NOTE: we don't check the status of the main thread because
# 1. if the process is killed by fatal signal, `pin_memory_thread`
# ends.
# 2. in other cases, either the cleaning-up in __del__ or the
# automatic exit of daemonic thread will take care of it.
# This won't busy-wait either because `.get(timeout)` does not
# busy-wait.


def _pin_memory_loop(in_queue, out_queue, device_id, done_event):
# This setting is thread local, and prevents the copy in pin_memory from
# consuming all CPU cores.
torch.set_num_threads(1) torch.cuda.set_device(device_id) # See NOTE [ Data Loader Multiprocessing Shutdown Logic ] for details on the
# logic of this function.
while not done_event.is_set():
r = in_queue.get(timeout=MP_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL)
except queue.Empty:
idx, data = r
if not done_event.is_set() and not isinstance(data, ExceptionWrapper):
data = pin_memory(data)
# 省略异常处理代码
r = (idx, data)
while not done_event.is_set():
out_queue.put(r, timeout=MP_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL)
except queue.Full:
del r # save memory def pin_memory(data):
if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
return data.pin_memory()
elif isinstance(data, string_classes):
return data
elif isinstance(data, collections.abc.Mapping):
return {k: pin_memory(sample) for k, sample in data.items()}
elif isinstance(data, tuple) and hasattr(data, '_fields'): # namedtuple
return type(data)(*(pin_memory(sample) for sample in data))
elif isinstance(data, collections.abc.Sequence):
return [pin_memory(sample) for sample in data]
elif hasattr(data, "pin_memory"):
return data.pin_memory()
return data

2.4.7 用户获取data



打破顺序一致性的最大可能就是乱序数据。而造成乱序问题的原因就是:多进程读取,可能某个进程快,某个进程慢。比如,用户这次需要读取6-19,16-26,37-46。但是某一个worker慢,6-19不能即时返回,另一个worker 的 16-26 先返回了,于是就会造成乱序。

如何处理乱序数据?PyTorch的具体做法就是:DataLoader严格按照Sampler的顺序返回数据。如果某一个数据是乱序的,则会把它暂存起来,转而去获取下一个数据,见下面代码中 "store out-of-order samples" 注释处。等到应该返回时候(这个数据顺序到了)才返回。

但是其风险就是数据返回会比当前请求慢,比如应该获取 6,但是Data queue里面没有这个数据,只有 16,27,于是用户只能等待 6 加载完成。


具体代码如下,首先,回忆基类的 __next__ 函数 ,可以看到其调用了 _next_data 获取数据。

class _BaseDataLoaderIter(object):
def __next__(self) -> Any:
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function(self._profile_name):
if self._sampler_iter is None:
data = self._next_data() # 获取数据
self._num_yielded += 1
if self._dataset_kind == _DatasetKind.Iterable and \
self._IterableDataset_len_called is not None and \
self._num_yielded > self._IterableDataset_len_called:
# 忽略错误提示处理
return data

所以,我们要看 _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter_next_data

因为之前有预取了index,worker进程已经开始获取数据,所以主进程此时可以得到数据,如果没有数据,就继续while True等待。
如果获取成功,则使用 _process_data 设定下一次的indx,准备下一次迭代。
通过 _task_info 来记录乱序数据,如果暂时无法处理,就在这里保存。

    def _next_data(self):
while True:
# If the worker responsible for `self._rcvd_idx` has already ended
# and was unable to fulfill this task (due to exhausting an `IterableDataset`),
# we try to advance `self._rcvd_idx` to find the next valid index.
# This part needs to run in the loop because both the `self._get_data()`
# call and `_IterableDatasetStopIteration` check below can mark
# extra worker(s) as dead. # 找到待取idx
while self._rcvd_idx < self._send_idx: # 如果 待取batch idx < 已取batch idx
info = self._task_info[self._rcvd_idx]
worker_id = info[0]
if len(info) == 2 or self._workers_status[worker_id]: # has data or is still active
break # 有数据或者正在工作,就跳出内部这个while
del self._task_info[self._rcvd_idx]
self._rcvd_idx += 1
# no valid `self._rcvd_idx` is found (i.e., didn't break)
if not self._persistent_workers:
raise StopIteration # Now `self._rcvd_idx` is the batch index we want to fetch # Check if the next sample has already been generated
if len(self._task_info[self._rcvd_idx]) == 2:
data = self._task_info.pop(self._rcvd_idx)[1]
return self._process_data(data) # 设定下一次的indx,进行下一次迭代 assert not self._shutdown and self._tasks_outstanding > 0
idx, data = self._get_data() # 从 self._data_queue 中取数据
self._tasks_outstanding -= 1 # 正在准备的batch个数需要减1 if self._dataset_kind == _DatasetKind.Iterable:
# Check for _IterableDatasetStopIteration
if isinstance(data, _utils.worker._IterableDatasetStopIteration):
if self._persistent_workers:
self._workers_status[data.worker_id] = False
continue if idx != self._rcvd_idx: # 乱序数据
# store out-of-order samples
self._task_info[idx] += (data,)
del self._task_info[idx] # 正常数据
return self._process_data(data) # 设定下一次的indx,进行下一次迭代

其次,我们看看 _get_data 如何从 self._data_queue 中取数据。具体是使用 _try_get_data 来提取。

如果设置了pin memory,则从pin 线程处理之后的数据读取。

    def _get_data(self):
# Fetches data from `self._data_queue`.
# We check workers' status every `MP_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL` seconds,
# which we achieve by running `self._try_get_data(timeout=MP_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL)`
# in a loop. This is the only mechanism to detect worker failures for
# Windows. For other platforms, a SIGCHLD handler is also used for
# worker failure detection.
# If `pin_memory=True`, we also need check if `pin_memory_thread` had
# died at timeouts.
if self._timeout > 0: # 如果有超时配置,就按照超时读取
success, data = self._try_get_data(self._timeout)
if success:
return data
raise RuntimeError('DataLoader timed out after {} seconds'.format(self._timeout))
elif self._pin_memory: # 从pin 线程处理之后的数据读取
while self._pin_memory_thread.is_alive():
success, data = self._try_get_data()
if success:
return data
# while condition is false, i.e., pin_memory_thread died.
raise RuntimeError('Pin memory thread exited unexpectedly')
# In this case, `self._data_queue` is a `queue.Queue`,. But we don't
# need to call `.task_done()` because we don't use `.join()`.
while True:
success, data = self._try_get_data() # 读取worker处理的数据
if success:
return data

_try_get_data 就是从 _data_queue 读取。主进程和worker进程通过queue上的put, get进行通讯交互。

    def _try_get_data(self, timeout=_utils.MP_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL):
# Tries to fetch data from `self._data_queue` once for a given timeout.
# This can also be used as inner loop of fetching without timeout, with
# the sender status as the loop condition.
# This raises a `RuntimeError` if any worker died expectedly. This error
# can come from either the SIGCHLD handler in `_utils/signal_handling.py`
# (only for non-Windows platforms), or the manual check below on errors
# and timeouts.
# Returns a 2-tuple:
# (bool: whether successfully get data, any: data if successful else None)
data = self._data_queue.get(timeout=timeout)
return (True, data)
except Exception as e:
# At timeout and error, we manually check whether any worker has
# failed. Note that this is the only mechanism for Windows to detect
# worker failures.
failed_workers = []
for worker_id, w in enumerate(self._workers):
if self._workers_status[worker_id] and not w.is_alive():
# 省略异常处理代码
import tempfile
import errno
# Raise an exception if we are this close to the FDs limit.
# Apparently, trying to open only one file is not a sufficient
# test.
# See NOTE [ DataLoader on Linux and open files limit ]
fds_limit_margin = 10
fs = [tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() for i in range(fds_limit_margin)]
except OSError as e:
# 省略异常处理代码


    def _process_data(self, data):
self._rcvd_idx += 1
self._try_put_index() # 设定下一次的indx,进行下一次迭代
if isinstance(data, ExceptionWrapper):
return data # 返回数据

2.4.8 小结



主进程把需要获取的数据 index 放入index_queue。
子进程从 index_queue 之中读取 index,进行数据读取,然后把读取数据的index放入worker_result_queue。
主进程的 pin_memory_thread 会从 worker_result_queue 读取数据index,依据这个index进行读取数据,进行处理,把结果放入 data_queue。


    在 _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter 的初始化函数 __init__ 之中会进行初始化:

    调用 _reset 函数,这是进一步完善业务初始化,也用来重置环境。上面已经启动了worker子进程,但是没有分配任务,所以reset函数会进行任务分配,预取
    _try_put_index 函数就是使用sampler获取下一批次的数据index。这里 _prefetch_factor 缺省值是 2,主要逻辑如下。

    使用 _next_index 从sampler获取下一批次的index。
    通过 _worker_queue_idx_cycle 找出下一个可用的工作worker,然后把index分给它。
    拿到index之后,回到主线程。这里会进行数据提取。就是通过index_queue, data_queue与主进程交互。
    从 index_queue 获取新的数据index;
    如果没有设置本worker结束,就使用 fetcher获取数据。
    然后把数据放入data_queue,并且通知主进程,这里需要注意,data_queue是传入的参数,如果设置了pin memory,则传入的是 worker_result_queue,否则传入 data_queue。
    当用户迭代时,调用了Loader基类的 __next__ 函数 ,其调用 _next_data 从 DataLoader 之中获取数据。
    使用 _get_data 如何从 self._data_queue 中取数据。
    使用_process_data 设置下一次迭代的 index,即使用 _try_put_index_next_index 来进行下一轮设置。


user        _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter   Sampler        Queue(index_queue)    Queue(data_queue)    _worker_loop     Fetcher
+ + + + + + +
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| v | | | | |
| __init__ | | | | |
| 1 _reset | | | | |
| + | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| v | | | | |
| 2 _try_put_index next | | | | |
| _next_index +------------> | | | | |
| + | | | | |
| | <-----------------+ | | | | |
| | index | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | +------------------------------------> | | | |
| | put | | | get | |
| | | +--------------------------------------> | |
| | | | | | index |
| | | | | +------------> |
| next | | | | | <----------+ |
+---------------------> | | | | <----------------+ data |
| | | | | data | |
| + | | | | |
| _next_data | | | | |
| 3 _get_data get | | | | |
| _try_get_data +--------------------------------------------------> | | |
| + | | | | |
| | <----------------------------------------------------------+ | | |
| | data | | | | |
| + | | | | |
| _process_data | | | | |
| _try_put_index next | | | | |
| _next_index +-------------> | | | | |
| + <--------------------+ | | | |
| | index | | | | |
| +---------------------------------------> | | get | |
| <-------------------+ | put | +-------------------------------------> | index |
| data | | | | | +----------> |
| | | | | +<-----------+ |
v v v v v v data v


2.5 Pipleline


+--------+ | |
| | | Process 1 |
+-----> | Data 1 +--------> | +------+
| | | | Load Data | |
| +--------+ | | |
| +------------+ |
| |
| |
| |
+----------------+ | +------------+ | +-------------------------+
|Main process | | +--------+ | | | | pin_memory_thread |
| | | | | | Process 2 | +------> +------------------------+ | | +------------+
| index_queue +----------> | Data 2 +--------> | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | Load Data +-------------> | _worker_result_queue +-----> | Write to pinned memory +--------> | data_queue |
| | | +--------+ | | | | | | | |
+----------------+ | +------------+ +-----> | | | | +------------+
| | +------------------------+ | |
| | +-------------------------+
| |
| +--------+ +------------+ |
| | | | | |
+-----> | Data 3 +--------> | Process 3 +-------+
| | | |
+--------+ | Load Data |
| |


至此,PyTorch 分布式的数据加载部分分析完毕,下一篇我们回归到 Paracel 如何处理数据加载。

0xFF 参考

卷积神经网络的并行化模型--One weird trick for parallelizing convolutional neural networks


PyTorch 源码解读之 torch.utils.data:解析数据处理全流程


Nvidia-DALI 从放弃到入门




[源码解析] PyTorch 分布式(2) --- 数据加载之DataLoader的相关教程结束。

《[源码解析] PyTorch 分布式(2) --- 数据加载之DataLoader.doc》
